
Showing posts with the label Suffering

Disciples and Tribulation

The New Testament exhorts the followers of Jesus to expect tribulation because of their faith. While it may not be an everyday experience, neither is tribulation for the sake of the Kingdom unexpected. The chief cause of trials and persecution in the life of the disciple is his faithful witness of the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. This understanding is especially prominent in the Book of Revelation .

Disciples and Persecutors

The reality of persecution raises important questions. How should disciples react, especially when persecuted by the State? Is resorting to expressions of anger or acts of civil disobedience appropriate? Or should they instead emulate Jesus of Nazareth? In his teachings, he warns that all men who decide to follow him will experience “ tribulation ,” and he summons his disciple to follow the same path that he did (“ If they persecuted me, so they will persecute you ”).

Cost of Discipleship

Jesus sent the twelve disciples to proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom of God throughout the region. In the Gospel of Mark, this incident is followed by the execution of John the Baptist. His death prepares the reader for the rejection that inevitably results whenever anyone decides to become a disciple and follow Jesus of Nazareth no matter where it leads. To walk in his footsteps, one must first count the cost to have any hope of seeing the journey through to the end.