[Click on the title below to open an article]
- Jesús es Su Nombre - ('Jesús' significa 'Yahvé salva.' En el hombre de Nazaret, la salvación prometida por el Dios de Israel llegó en todo su esplendor) - {Copia en PDF}
- Hijo de Abraham - (Jesús es el Hijo de Abraham, heredero de las promesas, el Rey Ungido que cumple e implementa la herencia de su pueblo) - {Copia en PDF}
- La Luz del Mundo - (Jesús es la única Luz verdadera del Mundo, brillando más intensamente en la oscuridad; esta Luz significa Vida para el Mundo) - {Copia en PDF}
- The Heir of Abraham - (Jesus is the promised seed of Abraham, the heir of the covenant promises, and receipt of the inheritance is based on faith in Him) - {PDF Copy}
- Son of Abraham - (Jesus is the true son of Abraham and the heir of the promises. He is the one who confirms and implements the inheritance for his people) - {PDF Copy}
- His Name is Jesus! - (The name ‘Jesus’ means ‘Yahweh saves.’ In the Nazarene, the salvation promised to Israel has arrived in all its glory) - {PDF Copy}
- Recognized on the Cross - (Unrecognized as the Savior of the World and the Messiah of Israel, Jesus was rejected by all but the unlikeliest of men) - {PDF Copy}
- Servant and King - (Following his baptism in the Jordan, the voice from heaven identified Jesus as the Son of God and the Servant of Yahweh) - {PDF Copy}
- You are My Son! - (Having achieved the purification of sins, Jesus inherited a more distinguished name than the angels, being, in fact, the messianic Son) - {PDF Copy}
- The Son of Man - (The one like a Son of Man in Daniel’s vision is the source of Christ’s self-designation as the Son of Man authorized to rule the Kingdom) - {PDF Copy}
- Starting from the Cross - (Jesus is the Messiah whose reign began on the Cross, and who fulfilled his mission as the Servant of the LORD) - {PDF Copy}
- Calvary or Rome? - (Satan offered Jesus unlimited political power for his messianic mission if only he accepted the Devil as his overlord) - {PDF Copy}
- His Priestly Kingdom - (Disciples reign with Jesus by fulfilling their role as priestly kings who mediate His light to the world) - {PDF Copy}
- Why Do the Nations Rage? - (The conspiracy by the earth’s kings to unseat God’s Son is applied by the New Testament to the plot to destroy Jesus – Psalm 2:1-6) - {PDF Copy}
- Son and Servant - (Jesus is the son of David and heir to the Messianic Throne, the beloved Son of God, and the Suffering Servant of Yahweh) - {PDF Copy}
- Sovereign over All - (Messianic promises from the Psalms are applied to the PRESENT reign of Jesus who possesses all authority in Heaven and on Earth) -{PDF Copy}
- Raised from the Dead - (Paul anchored all that God has done in the resurrection of Jesus, which also inaugurated the Messianic Age - Galatians 1:1-5) - {PDF Copy}
- Preaching Another Jesus - (Is Jesus still the Messiah who died on Calvary to save the world, or has he become a roaring Lion hellbent on taking vengeance on his enemies?) - {PDF Copy}
- He Humbled Himself - (Disciples are summoned to adopt the same mind that Jesus had when he poured out his life unto death for others – Philippians 2:5-11) - {PDF Copy}
- His Kingdom - (Jesus proclaimed a new political reality, the Kingdom of God, one that bears little resemblance to the political systems of this age) - {PDF Copy}
- The Anointed One - (Jesus is the Messiah, the anointed Son of God, and from the start, his life was dominated by the empowering presence of the Spirit) - {PDF Copy}
- Our Sympathetic High Priest - (Jesus qualified as our high priest by participating fully in human sufferings, mortality, and especially, death) - {PDF Copy}
- High Priest Forever - (The inability of the Levitical system to cleanse sins necessitated the new priesthood inaugurated by the death and resurrection of Jesus) - {PDF Copy}
- Becoming His Disciple - (No one recognized who Jesus was except the demons that he exorcised. Only in his death on a Roman cross did someone begin to perceive his identity) - {PDF Copy}
- The Crucified One Reigns - (The present reign of Jesus began with his exaltation to the Messianic Throne following his death and resurrection – Psalms 110:1) - {PDF Copy}
- Calvary - (The Son of Man is revealed and comprehended in his sufferings and self-sacrificial death for others, including his enemies) - {PDF Copy}
- Power and Wisdom - (The power and wisdom of God are found in the proclamation of a Christ who was crucified on a Roman cross) - {PDF Copy}
- Identified by Resurrection - (Paul introduces his ministry to the Assembly in Rome and begins his exposition of the Gospel by identifying Christ’s qualifications as Messiah) - {PDF Copy}
- Appointed High Priest - (Jesus is the Son God appointed as our merciful and faithful High Priest because of his Death and Resurrection) - {PDF Copy}
- Seeing the Unseen God - (The fullness, grace, and truth of God are found in the Word made Flesh, Jesus of Nazareth, who alone has seen the unseen God – John 1:14-18) - {PDF Copy}
- The Life-Giving Word - (Jesus is the Word made flesh in whom the glory of God is revealed, the same word by which God created all things) - {PDF Copy}
- Manifest Glory of God - (Ever since the Word became flesh, the glory of God is manifested in Jesus of Nazareth and beheld by everyone who believes on him – John 1:14) - {PDF Copy}
- Grace and Truth - (The fullness, grace, and truth of God are found only in the Word made Flesh, namely, Jesus of Nazareth – John 1:14-18) - {PDF Copy}
- The True Temple - (Jesus is the True and Final Sanctuary where the glory of Yahweh dwells, the substance foreshadowed by the old Temple – John 2:13-22) - {PDF Copy}
- God is Speaking - (God has spoken His definitive word in His Son. All previous words given by the prophets were preparatory, promissory, and partial) - {PDF Copy}
- God's Mysteries Revealed - (God’s previously hidden mysteries are now revealed in Jesus, especially in his death and resurrection) - {PDF Copy}
- The Ultimate Revelation - (Jesus is the interpretive key that unlocks the Hebrew Scriptures, Bible prophecy, and the nature of God for his disciples) - {PDF Copy}
- Seizing the Kingdom - (Christ’s comment about violence taking the kingdom refers to violent men who attempt to seize and destroy the work of God – Matthew 11:12) - {PDF Copy}
- My Way or His Cross - (To follow Jesus necessitates a life of self-denial, a willingness to suffer persecution for him, and to selflessly serve others) - {PDF Copy}
- Faithful or Saltless? - (Faithful disciples will receive great rewards, but those who harm their weaker brethren risk condemnation in Gehenna) - {PDF Copy}
- To the Ends of the Earth - (The Gospel of the Kingdom of God announced by Jesus is a message of life for men and women of every nation and people) - {PDF Copy}
- To Follow Jesus - (The Messiah of Israel submitted to the way of the Cross and summoned his disciples to follow his example in their lives) - {PDF Copy}
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[San Juan Ferry by Bryan Hanson on Unsplash] |