
Showing posts with the label Interpretation

The Ultimate Revelation

Jesus is the one who unveils the mysteries of God, and only he is qualified to reveal the “ unseen God .” In him, all the promises of God find their substance. He is the interpretive key that unlocks the Hebrew Scriptures and provides the correct understanding of Bible prophecy. The proclamation of “ Christ Crucified ” is the “ power and wisdom of God ,” and there is no knowledge of the Father apart from him.

God's Mysteries Revealed

The Bible speaks of the “ mysteries ” of God, His ways which are hidden from human wisdom and defy humanity’s expectations. In his teachings, Jesus declared that not everyone could understand the “ mysteries of the kingdom .” It was God who revealed the deep and obscure things to whomever He pleased. However, in His Son, He has unveiled them for all who have “ eyes that can see ” to behold.