
Showing posts with the label Church

Preach the Gospel!

The mission of the Church is to proclaim the Good News of God’s Kingdom to all Nations until Jesus returns – Matthew 24:14. Jesus charged his followers with announcing his message to all nations. He summarized it as the “ Good News of the Kingdom of God .” Through him and his Assembly, the rule of God will be established but in unexpected and paradoxical ways. He will establish his sovereignty over the Earth and subdue the “ Last Enemy, Death ,” by the time of his appearance. His disciples must proclaim his Gospel to the “ uttermost parts of the Earth ” until the last moment!

One New Man

Paul is unequivocal. Considering what Jesus accomplished in his Death and Resurrection, no longer can there be divisions between Jews and Gentiles in the One People of God. By his sacrificial death, he “ dismantled the middle wall of partition ” that separated Jews and Gentiles so “ he might reconcile them both in one body for God through the Cross .” God is building Jewish and Gentile disciples into one habitation of God “ in the Spirit .”

His Priestly Kingdom

At Mount Sinai, Yahweh summoned Israel to be His “ kingdom of priests and holy nation .” If the nation kept His covenant, Israel would become “ my own possession… for all the Earth is mine .” He never intended for His people to be isolated from the rest of humanity. Instead, Israel was to reflect His light in a dark world. However, Israel failed to keep the covenant and never lived up to her calling. Now, with the arrival of the Messiah, the Church has inherited this mission.